Thursday 5 October 2023

Dhammapada volume 1 (part 2)

 ⤷ In 4th chapter "Just lucky, I Guess!" I learned these following important things:

Trust = Trust is easy when things go smooth and easy, but it is worthless. when things become hard, difficult, impossible, it becomes illogical to trust and you can still trust, then it becomes a transforming force. 

I also got agreed to the fact mentioned, that every person should have a different religion. this is so because every person is so unique and different. A religious person can learn from bible, Dhammpada, or Gita, but they will not follow Jesus, Buddha or Krishna in detail. It is so because they are totally different, and we can't be exactly same as someone. 

 Being a rebel = This chapter says all religious people are rebellious people. It is so because all the religious people have been adventurous, and explorer thought their life. Buddha, Mohammed and Jesus could have followed their parent's religion, it would have been so easy, but they didn't. They went on search and risked their life. When they risked so much, life showers new treasures on them and then, a new religion, new insight, and a new vision was born in this world. 

⤷ In 5th chapter "Wakefulness is Life" the author justifies his opinion that all of us are asleep. This chapter has a lot of short meaningful stories. The author had described this meaningful poem, and in detail the author explained the meaning of each line wonderfully. The poem is:

The fool sleeps,
as if he were already dead,
but the master is awake.
and he lives forever.

He watches.
He is clear. 

How happy he is!
for he sees that wakefulness is life
How happy he is!
following the path of awakened

With great perseverance 
he meditates, seeking,
freedom and happiness

so awake, reflect and watch.
work with care and attention 
live in the way.
and the light will grow in you. 

By watching and working
the master makes for himself an island.
which the flood cannot overwhelm. 

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