Monday 31 July 2023

Dhammapada volume 1 (part 1)

 ⤷ In first chapter "We are what we think" it describes the feelings of our everyday. as I mentioned earlier, author speaks the unspeakable things beautifully. Top 5 important things which expended my horizon of thinking are as follows:

Lies and Truth = I am longing to be conscious, it's because of my quest of truth which is not far away to find. it's hard to achieve because of my investments of lie. Lie are escape, more like comfortable dreams but dreams are followed by tremendous frustration which is followed by failure.  

Silence and Words = Silence can't be distorted and that's its power. We won't understand it, but we can't misunderstand it. On other hand words are dangerous as the person's meaning stays with himself only and we give the words a different meaning.

Right and Wrong = author tells us that whatsoever happens is right. You may think it is wrong as u have a certain idea of right but when you look without prejudice, nothing is wrong.

Senses and Awareness = senses are something which keeps on changing, hence it gives us no strength which means they don't give a constant foundation. Whereas awareness is something which is behind senses, they are not the eyes which we see. 

Life and Death = death is our future, so thinking about death means thinking about future. but life is something which can only be lived, not can be thought. all that we need is to be alert and live fully. 

In second chapter "A Formless Fragrance," the title is describing Buddhism as a formless fragrance. Top 5 things I learned and will remember life longingly are:

Three M's = the three M's- music, mathematics and meditation are the purest forms. music is pure art, mathematics is the purest science and meditation is pure religion. {the trimuti}

The god-loving person = A religious person is God-loving person not god-fearing person. But the priest depends on fear, he exploits our fear, he creates fear in you. His whole business depends on fear. 

Be Unoccupied = well, keeping a hobby makes u occupied all the time, but being unoccupied gives you peace. For example, we wait whole 6 days for Sunday, but on Sunday we do our hobbies which doesn't even gives peace and rest. Rather than hobbies use opportunities. remain in the empty time, utterly occupied. 

Don't feel infuriated = people are going to invent many stories. if you become infuriated in a way you help them! don't feel infuriated, otherwise you will be playing into their hands. 

Love to laugh = learn to laugh, laughter is your protection. It's not easy but try, when you laugh on something which is against you, people will see you as stupid. 

⤷ In third chapter "Know the false as false," the title is telling us to listen to our heart, then we will know truth as truth and false as false. we need to first begin seeing false as false. Top 5 things I learned are:

"Look into your heart" = here, the author is trying to give us courage to follow our own nature. he wants us to be brave enough to listen to your own heart and go accordingly.

"follow your nature"= follow your nature means to flow with yourself. there is a small voice inside you, listen to it, it will guide you. 

Characters and consciousness= Characters are the inventions of the politicians and consciousness is our behavior. character do not follow consciousness.

Stop your thoughts = just become indifferent to them, unconcerned. stop your thoughts, don't pay attention. sit silently inside and watch. here watch means to be alert. 

pass the vacuum = passing a vacuum is difficult, but once you have passed it you will surely know the truth and find peace. if the truth is known then the peace will itself follow the truth like a shadow. 

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